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Understanding Late-Onset PTSD in VeteransVeterans experience late-onsite PTSD for various reasons. We explain why symptoms of PTSD can be delayed, and how we can help you obtain benefits if need be.
PTSD and the Aging VeteranSymptoms of PTSD may occur in veterans years after their military service has ended. Here, learn about LOSS and methods for coping.
New Treatments for Veterans With PTSDVeterans suffering from PTSD have alternative treatment options that focus on overall physical and mental health. Here, learn about these new treatments.
Emotional Avoidance: More Harmful Than HelpfulEmotional avoidance is a temporary way to deal with PTSD. We explain why this common response to trauma isn’t healthy.
Learn About PTSD Emotional Avoidance and Why it Doesn’t WorkVeterans may react through emotional avoidance when suffering from PTSD. Learn more about this common response to trauma.
PTSD and Trauma AnniversariesIf you suffer from PTSD, you may experience a trauma anniversary. In this article, learn more about this event and ways to cope.
Know the Difference Between PTSD and Combat StressU.S. veterans who believe they have PTSD may actually be experiencing combat stress. Cuddigan Law can help you better understand the difference between the two.
Military Personnel Exposed to Agent Orange from Testing and Storage Outside VietnamU.S. veterans were exposed to Agent Orange in many ways. Here, learn about their exposure from testing and storage outside Vietnam.
Military Personnel Exposed to Agent Orange in ThailandU.S. military personnel working on a base in Thailand during the Vietnam War may have been exposed to Agent Orange. Here, learn about disability compensation.
Military Personnel Near the Korean DMZ Exposed to Agent OrangeU.S. military personnel stationed near the Korean demilitarized zone may have been exposed to Agent Orange. Here's what you should know.
Our Library Offers a Wealth of VA Disability Information
Top 10 VA Disability Articles
What to Expect When You Take a METS Test for Ischemic Heart Disease
How Do Veterans With Sleep Apnea Qualify for Disability Benefits?
Veterans Can Hire an Accredited Attorney to Represent Them on a Contingency Basis
How the VA Determines Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU)
A Nexus Letter Is Important in Receiving VA Disability Benefits
Important Facts About the VA’s Right to Take Away Your Gun
How the VA Assigns a Disability Rating for Service-Connected PTSD
Service-Related Arthritis and How to Get Veterans Disability
How Veterans Can Prove That Military Service Caused Their Disability
Possible VA Benefits for Depression Caused by Service-Connected Disability