We have collected links for various Social Security Disability resources all in one place. Some are on a national level, while others relate directly to Nebraska and Iowa. Browse these online resources to learn more about your own case and legal situation.

Social Security Disability

  • National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives

    National Organization of Social Secuirty Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR) is the nation's largest professional organization of Attorneys and representatives who assist individuals in obtaining Social Secuirty Disability income (SSDI) and Supplemental Secuirty Income (SSI) benefits. NOSSCR provides quality eduction programs for its members and advocates on behalf of the disabled before Congress and the Social Security Administration.

  • Listing of Impairments for Children

    The Social Security Administration uses this list of impairments to evaluate and determine disability in children. Some impairments for children under age 18 can be found in the adult listing, but the childhood listing gives consideration to the particular disease process in childhood.

  • Listing of Impairments for Adults

    This page provides a comprehensive listing of impairments the Social Security Administration uses to evaluate and determine disability in adults.

  • Social Security Administration: Disability Benefits

    The Social Security Administration provides the official website for disability benefits. From this page, you can learn more about disability, apply for benefits, check your application status, or appeal a decision.

Federal Government


  • Community Alliance

    Community Alliance helps individuals living with mental illness reach their full potential in recovery. It provides Day and Residential Rehabilitation programs, It also has employment programs and outreach for homeless persons.The agency served over 2,000 individuals and made a measurable difference in their functional impairment. The clients served by CA had a reduced percentage of hospitalization compared to other individuals with similar illnesses. Communtiy Alliance's annual fundraising program, Breaking the Silence, features actress Glenn Close, talking about her sister Jess Close's experience battling Bipolar disorder.The event is held at the Joslyn Museum on October 3, 2013. For more information  call (402) 341-5128.

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness

    National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation's largest grassroots organization for persons living with mental illness and their families. It provides education, support and advocacy to help those living with mental illness achieve a better life with an emphasis on recovery. The website provides information for individuals and families about the educational and support programs that are offered. There are local chapters in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska. The website provides information about mental illnesses and medications. NAMI(Nebraska) http://naminebraska.org/ advocates for individuals with mental illness to promote their ability to access mental health treatment and recovery. Contact the NAMI office in Omaha for information about support groups and programs(402-345-8101).

  • National Institute on Mental Health

    This government website is a rich resource on all things having to do with Mental Health. It provides reliable information about the various mental illnesses including depression, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) and schizophrenia. The site provides information about medications and therapy. This is not a drug company website and no one is trying to pitch a product. Available on this site are downloadable pamphlets explaining almost every mental illness. Information about the latest research activities on mental illness is available. This resource also provides information about the prevalence of mental illness in America and available educational resources. The National Institute on Mental Health is part of the National Institute of Health.It funds research on and education about Mental Health Also available on this website is information about suicide prevention.

  • Catholic Charities in Omaha

    Omaha Catholic Charities' mission is to be mindful of the presence of God in our midst, and to serve, empower and advocate for individuals and families in need.

    Consistent with its mission it provides to the Omaha community addiction recovery services, domestic violence services, family strengthening, food assistance, immigration legal services, mental health services, pregnancy counseling and adoption services and services to the senior community.

    Catholic Charities operates a domestic violence shelter and Omaha Campus for Hope

    The main information line in Omaha is (402) 554-0520. The main email contact is [email protected]

  • Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska

    Lutheran Family Service of Nebraska's mission is to express God's love for all people by providing quality human care services that build and strengthen individual, family and community life.  Lutheran Family Services provides behavioral health services in downtown Omaha, Bellevue, Fremont and Blair, Nebraska. Its main office is located at 124 So. 24th St, Omaha, NE 68102. The main phone number is (402) 342-7038.

  • Omaha Area and Lincoln Area Assistance Packet

    A helpful list of phone numbers for Omaha and Lincoln area assistance for housing, medical and utility needs.

  • Federal Government Mental Health Resource

    The Federal Government has recently created a website to raise awareness, educate, provide resources, and help access to treatment for mental health.

  • Wall Street Journal

  • USA Today

  • Newspapers Online

  • New York Times

  • Google Maps