With changes to Social Security Disability happening all the time, we use our News section to keep you updated and informed.
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VA Refuses Agent Orange Benefits to Navy Vets--AgainCertain Navy veterans seeking compensation for possible exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War have lost another round with the VA.
Public-Private Partnership to Get the New VA Hospital Built?The future of a new veterans hospital in Omaha could hinge on raising money from the Feds and private donors.
Vets Battle to Bring Class Action Suits Over BenefitsVets challenge US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims which says it cannot hear lawsuits brought by veterans who group together to fight for their benefits.
Disabled Veterans Eligible for Social Security DisabilityDisabled veterans can qualify for VA disability benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income benefits at the same time.
Why is “Ticket to Work” Not Working?“Ticket to Work" can help beneficiaries get back to work that may lead to a career, save more money and become financially independent, but few participate.
Nebraska and Iowa Vets May be Eligible for Property Tax BreaksAlthough many veterans living in Nebraska and Iowa are unaware of it, they may be exempt from paying some or even all their property taxes.
Social Security Benefits for Disabled ChildrenThere are three different ways your child can receive support but qualifying for SSA children’s benefits can be a complex with many rules and limitations.
New Veterans ID Now Delayed Until 2017The billfold-sized vet's ID was supposed to be distributed this year. The new ID card is intended to be a substitute for discharge papers (form DD-214).
US Senator Mocks Back Pain DisabilitiesSenator Rand Paul provoked a controversy when criticizing the Social Security disability program by claiming that too many people were “gaming” the system.
VA Looking for Ways to Reduce Suicides by Female VetsFemale veterans are 6 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population of women. The reasons for this high suicide rate are not well understood.