With changes to Social Security Disability happening all the time, we use our News section to keep you updated and informed.
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Lung Diseases Common Among Vets Exposed To Burn PitsMilitary personnel who worked at burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan have higher rates of lung diseases like asthma and emphysema, according to a new VA report.
Theft of Social Security Numbers Worse Than ThoughtThe Obama administration is now admitting that hackers stole the personal data of 21.5 million Americans from government computers.
Benefits May Be Coming to Marines Exposed to Tainted WaterMarines who served at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina between 1953 and 1987 and have certain health problems may be “greenlighted” for VA disability benefits.
PTSD is Hard to Cure Says Prominent Medical JournalMedical researchers argue that veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder need “broader, more personalized approaches to care”.
Social Security Disability: Stuck in GridlockThe Social Disability Trust Fund is running out of money which may force drastic cuts in benefits. Congress so far has been unwilling to act.
VA Scandal: A Year Gone By, but Little ImprovementNearly 894,000 appointments completed at VA medical facilities from Aug. 1 to Feb. 28 failed to meet the health system's timeliness goal.
Guns May be Denied for Some on Social Security DisabilityProposed new rules denying permission to purchase guns would apply to Social Security beneficiaries who lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs.
VA Expands Benefits Eligibility for Air Force Vets Exposed to Agent OrangeA new VA regulation opens the way for benefits for personnel who came in repeated contact with airplanes used to spray herbicides during the Vietnam War.
Social Security Programs Are Stable but SSDI Needs HelpSocial Security is serving the American people well, according to the program's trustees, but changes need to be enacted to secure future benefits.
Nebraska State Treasurer Blasts IRS Over ABLE Act RulesNebraska State Treasurer Don Stenberg publicly blasted the IRS over new rules issued by the agency regarding the administration of ABLE accounts.