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Efforts to Relieve the VA Disability Backlog May Not Be as Helpful as Veterans HopeIs your VA disability application still in a pile at your benefit office? A recent NPR story shows how efforts to help the backlog of claims are slow at best.
Do You Qualify for Veterans Compensation Because of Individual Unemployability (IU)?The Veterans Administration pays compensation at rate of 100% to Veterans whose service connected injuries make them unemployable. See if you qualify for IU.
Veterans Are Able to Hire an Accredited Attorney to Represent Them on a Contingency BasisVeterans Attorney fees are regulated. The VA considers 20% to be a reasonable fee and withholds and pays this fee directly to attorneys who represent veterans
An Accredited Veterans Disability Attorney Is Able to Connect the VA Regulations to Your Medical Evidence to Help You With Your ClaimA veterans attorney can evaluate your claim and connect your medical evidence with the rules and regulations that the VA is supposed to follow in your claim.
8 Steps the VA Will Take When Deciding Whether to Approve Your Disability BenefitsIs your VA disability application still “pending?” Find out what really happens to your application after you send it in (and how you can help it along).
How the VA Assigns a Disability Rating for Service-Connected PTSDThinking of applying for VA benefits after a PTSD diagnosis? Find out how your symptoms will affect your VA disability rating and the amount of your benefits.
Were You Denied VA Disability Benefits? Here’s How to Get Started on Your AppealAre you tempted to give up after being denied your VA benefits? Find out how to get started on your appeal—and what can make or break your case.
Illness Still Undiagnosed? Veterans May Get VA Benefits for Gulf War SyndromeDo you have a ton of symptoms, but no diagnosis? Find out if you could be suffering from Gulf War syndrome, and how to get Veterans benefits if you do.
Our Library Offers a Wealth of VA Disability Information
Top 10 VA Disability Articles

What to Expect When You Take a METS Test for Ischemic Heart Disease

How Do Veterans With Sleep Apnea Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Veterans Can Hire an Accredited Attorney to Represent Them on a Contingency Basis

How the VA Determines Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU)

A Nexus Letter Is Important in Receiving VA Disability Benefits

Important Facts About the VA’s Right to Take Away Your Gun

How the VA Assigns a Disability Rating for Service-Connected PTSD

Service-Related Arthritis and How to Get Veterans Disability

How Veterans Can Prove That Military Service Caused Their Disability

Possible VA Benefits for Depression Caused by Service-Connected Disability