Congress intended the Veterans Administration to be a veteran-friendly benefits system. Unfortunately, the reality is likely to be far different. Veterans and their beneficiaries know that all too often the VA is an uncaring and indifferent bureaucracy. Veterans, who have proudly served and defended their country, need and deserve a professional advocate who knows the law and how to navigate a complicated system. Hiring a professional veterans’ attorney is definitely your best option for obtaining the benefits you have earned.
There are well-meaning organizations offering VA disability assistance that are not staffed with attorneys. They lack the legal training and experience to prepare your case to maximize your chances for success. Often times are they just overwhelmed by demands on their time. The average service organization representative has over one thousand claims.
A professional veterans’ attorney will protect your rights, keep your case on track and make sure no deadlines are missed.
Information from your doctor is vital to your case, so knowing what questions to ask your doctor and gathering the right medical records is critically important. Reading medical records can be difficult and time-consuming. A good lawyer can pick out the important details in your medical file and highlight them for the VA appeals board. A skilled attorney is able to develop the link between your medical evidence and the rules and regulations the VA must follow when it decides your claim.
All of this means that if you hire an attorney who focuses on VAA disability, your case will be presented in a way that gives you the very best chance to succeed.
If you have received unfair denial of V-A disability benefits you have the right to appeal and you have the right to have an attorney represent you. Call us (402) 933-5405 or email us at [email protected] for a free evaluation of your case.