If the Social Security Administration (SSA) denies your disability claim and you wish to appeal the decision, you’ll follow the steps outlined in the letter sent to you by the SSA which advise you on how to do this. After you request an appeal in writing, you’ll move to Reconsideration, the first step in the appeals process. 

Because the appeals process can be time-consuming and complex, it’s helpful to hire an experienced SS disability attorney who can assist you with a denied claim and start the appeals process at the Reconsideration step.

Understanding the Reconsideration Process

Social Security claim deniedDuring a Reconsideration appeal, your claim is reviewed by someone in the SSA who wasn't involved in the initial denial of your claim. She'll examine all evidence you submitted originally, as well as any new evidence you might have.

It’s important to note that even though a new person is reviewing your material, she is bound by the same guidelines and rules as the person who reviewed your claim initially. Ultimately, over 85 percent of claims are denied at this level.

What to Do If Your Claim Is Denied at Reconsideration

The SSA denies claims for a variety of reasons, but by far the most common is because there's a lack of medical evidence submitted proving that you suffer from a disability. This is often true at the Reconsideration level as well. Thus, if your Reconsideration request is denied and you’re still unable to return to work, you have 65 days from the date of the denial to file a request for a hearing before an administrative law judge. 

It’s important to note that you have a much better chance of success at this appeals level if you are represented by a Social Security disability attorney. He'll assist you in preparing for the appearance before a judge by helping you collect as much new medical evidence, lab results, doctor opinion, blood tests, and additional medical data to help your case. 

Call Cuddigan Law

If you need help with the appeals process after your claim has been denied at the Reconsideration level, Cuddigan Law can help. We’ve assisted thousands of clients—filling out their paperwork, collecting their medical records, calling doctors, and managing their claims through the four levels of the appeals process, including Reconsideration.

Contact us for an initial evaluation, and we’ll review your case and let you know how we can increase your chances of receiving an approval on your appeal. 


Sean D. Cuddigan
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SSA and VA Disability Attorney in Omaha, Nebraska