If you are in need of receiving Social Security disability benefits, you might be wondering how long it will take before you start receiving your benefits. You probably have heard the rumors that the disability process can take several months before you hear back from the Social Security Administration about your claim. This video will shed some light on the Social Security disability benefits process.
After filling out an application and submitting it to Social Security, it may take about three months before you hear whether your claim has been approved for disability benefits. While some people get approved on their first application, many others get denied—even after waiting for several months. If your claim gets denied, you will need to ask for a reconsideration. The Social Security Administration will review your file again, which will take another two to three months. If your claim is still denied, you will need to have a disability hearing to present your case in front of a judge. This step can add on another 10 to 12 months or more to the process.
For help preparing your Social Security disability benefits claim or to prepare for your hearing in Nebraska, you should work with an experienced disability attorney. At Cuddigan Law you can find that help. Call us at 402-933-5405 or online at