Possibly-it depends on a number of factors. Social Security may reduce your monthly check if you are receiving too much money from your worker's compensation case. Receiving too much worker's compensation money is determined by applying the following formula:
Your monthly disability check + Your monthly worker's compensation payments + Certain public disability benefits
>(cannot exceed or be greater than)
80% of your monthly average current earnings OR The family's total Social Security benefits.
If after computing these number the top calculation is greater than either of the bottom values, Social Security will reduce the disability check dollar for dollar to bring the total within the limit of the bottom line value. In some situations, a person found disabled by Social Security may be ineligible for a SSA check because of their large worker's compensation check. In 15 states (not Nebraska or Iowa), the worker's compensation insurance carrier, not Social Security, reduces the payment.
If you currently have a worker's compensation claim and also feel that you are unable to return to any type of work, please contact our Lincoln disability lawyers at Cuddigan Law for a free evaluation of your claim. You can fill out the contact form on this page or pick up the phone and call 402-933-5405