If you have read the information provided on our website, have talked to us directly, or have talked to someone else who has applied for Social Security disability benefits then you are going to continually hear that the Social Security Administration (SSA) is very strict about which Social Security disability benefit applications are approved.
Why Many Social Security Disability Applications Are Denied:
The Social Security Administration is administering a federal program with specific eligibility guidelines. It must be strict to avoid fraud and to allow those who truly qualify for the program to recover the benefits to which they are legally entitled. In other words, the SSA is not being strict in order to frustrate legitimate Social Security disability applicants, but rather to protect the integrity of the program.
Strict Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Get Fair Benefits
As you learn about the extent of your disability and adjust to life in Lincoln without a job or paycheck, it is important that you understand your rights and advocate for your full and fair recovery of Social Security benefits.
Do not be swayed by stories of how strict the SSA is about disability applications. Instead, gather the information that you need to complete your application fully and accurately. To that end, you can begin by reading out FREE book, 5 Deadly Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Social Security Disability Case. In addition, you can find out many other tips for completing your Social Security disability application by reading the free information on our website or by contacting us directly at 402-933-5405.