The administrative hearing is the level at which most disability cases are successful. Preparation for the hearing is important .We like to meet with our clients, face to face, in the office if it is possible.The meeting generally occurs a month ahead of the hearing date We set aside one and half to two hours for this meeting. Because the meeting is so important you must attend. In the meeting we will discuss the location of the hearing office, the time of your hearing, the security at the hearing office and the layout of the hearing room. We will discuss proper attire for the hearing.
In this meeting, we will explain what Social Security definition of disability is and why it generally means more than not being able to do your last job. We will ask you when you last worked and why you stopped working, We will ask you what is it about your physical and mental condition prevents you from working now. We will ask you about the work you have done in the last 15 years and why you can't perform that work now
Before we meet with you, we will have reviewed your exhibit file which includes: social security forms, any forms you have completed and your medical records. We will review with you the medical timeline and any medical records that concern us We will discuss with you any of your providers that it might be helpful to get a report from. We will ask you if there are any other providers that have records. We ask you to bring: a current list of your medications; all pay stubs if you have worked since applying for disability; and any workers compensation documents that you have not already furnished us.We will discuss witness statements or work performance assessments
We will discuss your physical and mental symptoms. We will review your physical and mental limitations that prevent you from working.We will discuss your daily activities and any side effects from medications
We will discuss the role of the vocational witness and questions from the judge to the vocational witness. Finally,what we are trying to accomplish with our questions to the vocational witness.
Because we like to review everything one last time we ask our clients to be at the hearing office 30 minutes before their scheduled hearing. If you need directions to the hearing office ask us.