vietnam vet stamp

Are you one of the many veterans who served in Southeast Asia and are suffering due to exposure to Agent Orange, but struggling to be awarded VA disability benefits?

Don’t give up. The Agent Orange Act of 1991 established a presumption of service connection which meant that for VA disability cases the VA must assume that veterans who served in certain locations and during certain time periods were exposed to toxic chemicals. It means these veterans no longer have to provide proof of an in-service event, injury, or illness that led to their disabilities which removes some of the hurdles associated with filing a VA disability claim.

As a Vietnam era veteran you can still win disability benefits for illnesses caused by herbicides like Agent Orange—even if you are retired.

For much more about Agent Orange claims, Exposed to Agent Orange? is the definitive guide for Agent Orange claims and is packed with useful information and insider tips to increase your chances of winning your VA disability claim.  You can download this free booklet from our website: Click on “Resources” at the top of the home page and then select “Books” from the dropdown menu.

Sean D. Cuddigan
Connect with me
SSA and VA Disability Attorney in Omaha, Nebraska
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