If you are a disabled veteran, a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam is an appointment that allows a VA medical examiner to evaluate your physical or psychological condition and determine the level of impairment caused by your disability. For many veterans the C&P exam may be the most important medical examination of their lives.

It is natural then to be a little stressed about your exam. But once you know what to expect from the C&P exam, you can feel more at ease. That is why Cuddigan Law wrote a guidebook on the C&P exam to explain the process and help you prepare for your exam. Packed with useful information, this easy-to-read booklet will be your guide for your C&P exam.

You can download the guidebook for FREE from our website, cuddiganlaw.com. You can find the download link under the “Resources” tab and then by selecting “Books” in the dropdown menu.


Sean D. Cuddigan
Connect with me
SSA and VA Disability Attorney in Omaha, Nebraska
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