To fund the cost of extension of unemployment benefits some politicians have proposed that some of the costs be funded by reducing benefits to those who later receive disability benefits. Should I apply for unemployment benefits while I wait for a decision on my disability claim is a question that I am often asked by clients. I explain that these programs have different purposes. Applying for disability is a statement that you are unable to work. Applying for unemployment benefits is a statement that you are able to work but not able to find a job. However things are not that black and white. Social Security Chief Judge Bulletins explain that a worker can be disabled because of the medical-vocational guidelines and still be eligible for unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are administered by state governments. The standard for receiving benefits vary from state to state. Administering this proposal would be cumbersome and would not yield a sufficient amount of money to fund the extension of unemployment benefits. Often times people are forced to make a choice between being homeless or applying for and receiving unemployment benefits because of the delay in processing their disability claims. This is another example of beating up on the poor to solve the country's economic problems. For assistance applying for disability or appealing a disability denial call Cuddigan Law at (402) 933-5405 or in Lincoln at (402) 261-4005
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