The Cuddigan Law Team attended the kick off luncheon at UNO on March 20. NAMI Walks supports NAMI Nebraska through raising funds to support its programs and awareness of fighting stigma. The walk team leader is Tracey Curtis. Attending the kick off with Tracey were Kendra Allison, Mindy Woodward, Erin Chytil and Tim Cuddigan. Our team has supported the walk for the last several years by assisting with the registration and raising funds through sponsorship and walkers. Pat Cuddigan has helped the walk by setting up and mapping the walk route.
We are committed to the goals of NAMI as we have seen the good it does in our community. Executive director of NAMI Nebraska, Tom Adams, pointed out at the kick off event NAMI Nebraska served 8400 individuals in 2013. This is a significant contribution to the community. There is no cost to the individuals that it serves.