It is not enough to say you are disabled. To qualify for Social Security disability benefits you have to prove your medical condition and the Social Security Administration requires detailed reports from your doctor. An all-too-common mistake we see in our office — which can destroy a disability claim — is when a disability applicant has not seen a doctor to get their disability assessed and documented.
Why You Need to See a Doctor
Social Security relies on medical information from doctors, clinics and hospitals to determine how severe a physical or mental condition is. No matter how disabled you may think you are, SSA will not pay benefits without precise medical documentation.
What Requirements Do You Need to Meet in Order to Collect Social Security Disability
For most disability claims you must prove that you cannot do any work due to one or more physical or mental conditions. The condition must be expected to end in death or last for at least 12 months. You can file for disability before you have been disabled for 12 months but you must be able to prove that the disability will last at least that long.
The Importance of Documentation
Keep a log of your medical information regarding any appointments with your doctor, counselors and hospitals. Write down the names of any health care providers you see and the dates. This log will be helpful in obtaining all your medical records for your case.
Also, keep copies of any medical records provided to you.
More Questions? Our Omaha and Lincoln SSDI Lawyers Can Help
If you or someone you love is interested in obtaining social security disability but aren't sure if you qualify, our experienced Omaha and Lincoln SSDI lawyers have been helping clients for over 30 years. Don't hesitate to contact us online or give us a call at (402) 933-5405 if you have any questions about collecting social security disability in Nebraska.
(This article is an excerpt from 5 Deadly Mistakes that Can Destroy Your Social Security Disability Claim. To learn about the other “Deadly Mistakes” call or email our office for a FREE copy of this informative book — a must-have guide for anyone who is applying or has been turned down for SSDI or SSI benefits.)