If you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the Social Security Administration will evaluate how much you earn at any kind of work to determine if it is “Substantial Gainful Activity” (SGA). To the Social Security Administration work is work even if your work is in the “gig” economy like driving for ride-sharing companies like Uber or Lyft.
Under Social Security Administration (SSA) regulations, if you earn more than $1,220 per month (2019 SGA limit), you are considered to be engaged in Substantial Gainful Activity and you will not be eligible for benefits.
Beyond the income limits, driving for Uber or Lyft presents some unique obstacles to earning Social Security disability benefits. Administrative Law Judges, who decide whether or not you are disabled and therefore eligible for benefits, often ask claimants if they drive themselves or family members to run errands, to go to medical appointments, or in other situations. The judge may factor in your ability to drive when gauging your disability, because it takes a lot of attention to drive a car.